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There are 2 types of NFT in the game. NFT-avatars, NFT-Items.

NFT avatars

NFT avatars differ from each other in rarity, which determines the number of starting characteristics of the character and the number of free characteristic points for each gained level of the character. There are 5 types of rarity in total: Common Uncommon Rare Unique Legendary *Here is a table of rabbit qualities and the number of their characteristics* You can also pump up the characteristics in the game, spending energy on additional activities to develop the parameters. You are free to choose whether to earn more today and pump up the level or pump up the characteristics to the limit NFT Items NFT-items are represented by 5 types of items: hats, ears, amulets, suits, weapons. Each item is divided into 4 types of rarity, depending on which gives a boost to the character's characteristics when dressed. The item can add to one characteristic as well as to different ones, it all depends on the randomly generated stats of the item.

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